Thoughts on Daily Practice
The theme for my classes this term has been about developing a home practice and while some of my students have embraced this idea or discipline, some have expressed that they have no time or no interest - they enjoy the energy of a class or a group practice and this fits with their timetable so why do yoga at home?
Starting our practice - Yoga at the April Retreat, 2014
As a yoga teacher, of course, I need my practice to inform my teaching and my personal practice. Indeed, you would think that encouraging students to practice at home could be akin to sabotaging my small yoga business so why did I do it?
Me time!
First: I feel a little victory each time I make it to my mat. I have kept my promise to make time for self- healing, relaxation, as well as strength and stamina building. All these help me be healthier, stronger and happier. I have kept my commitment towards building my inner happiness.
Okay so some days it is only 10 - 20 minutes and it may not involve much perhaps some meditation or just rolling around on the floor. It's me time.
Just rolling around!
Second: For me a yoga practice is about confronting my negative patterns with the hope of creating positive new ones.
After all if you not poke or provoke your own ego who will? How can I
transform my life and create more positive change...that's a rhetorical
question because naturally my answer would be YOGA. And in all honesty I prefer to this ego poking at home. I have also discovered on my mat sometimes in class but mostly at home that I can do poses I never thought would be possible. Yes yoga has helped me to recognise the thought patterns that are holding me back not just on the mat but also in my life. On one hand, it has taught me tell yourself you can do it and you can. On the other, yoga is simply a practice so it is okay to not be perfect; it is okay to try again and again. And laugh about. Be okay with being imperfect. Yoga practice is just like your life. It is life.
Flying Crow
Now that gives me ideas for a whole lot of other blogs...what else does yoga teach me that map out onto/into my life... yoga is life! It's about connection with yourself, with how you connect with others and the universe.
Stay tuned
Light and love, Margot