Thursday, 29 January 2015

Staying sparkly

Staying Sparkly

What makes you sparkle?
And more importantly how do you get more of that in your life? 

Just when you thought you had the right amount of all the things that make you sparkle things change and you have to readjust, modify or accept some support. Yes, I can hear the inner dialogue: I felt so grounded and then this happened....I could do this pose yesterday and then ..... or my mind was lovely and quiet there was stillness and space between the thoughts this morning but now!!! 

I guess I am writing this as the New Year rolls in and past and I'm listening to people talk of their hope for a better year where they stay balanced and centred in their lives. Yet many of us have made resolutions (I don't anymore) and possibly or even pretty likely many of us have already witnessed our heartfelt resolutions fall away onto barren ground. 

Balance: Where are you? 
For me yoga has taught me that balance is and ongoing process. Yoga is not simply a set of poses and breathing exercises but a lifestyle - an holistic lifestyle  that encompasses a myriad of practices, ways of being and lifestyle ideas. Yoga helps me to keep seeking the right balance of everything that keeps me sparkly. To find that harmonious mix is always an ongoing practice; each day delivers new challenges and requires a different approach to being balance. Rest and activity, eating wholesome foods, cooking for loved ones, drinking fresh water and juices, spending time recharging in nature, enjoying quiet time, meditation or day dreaming under a tree, and drawing or making mandalas.   

Inverloch Beach Victoria, Australia. Photo by Margot Porter

I spend time a lot of time in our large and productive vegetable garden and orchard weeding, composting, planting, pruning, harvesting, creating flower beds, and watering. Here on a daily basis I witness nature try to seek balance against the elements. Today it is 38 degrees and there is a big hot wind blowing. Some plants will survive, others with wilt, some may even perish. Tomorrow will be different cooler less wind and the plants, animals and insects will begin again to refine, tinker, adjust their circumstances the best they can to find harmony.

Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle 
(shine, glimmer and glow)

inspiring people: friends, teachers, strangers
 good quality sleep
wholesome light food
clean water
time in nature
physical movement: yoga, walk, dance
quiet time 
creative time

 Nature up close. Photo by Margot Porter

 Is finding balance challenging because everything changes? 
Or can you simply change your approach. Just like the plants in my vegetable garden finding personal equilibrium is amazingly like balancing on a tightrope - moments of exquisite balance followed by wobbles to nearly falling off to actually falling off. In fact, very similar to standing on one leg in your yoga class where to keep yourself from falling requires both gross and subtle adjustments, indeed constant adjustments. Is this why I like them so much? 

#Laugh. Everything is okay.

But does this need to create suffering or  even be seen as a challenge instead I try to be in the moment another will be longer soon and will be completely different so enjoy that one too as each one teaches us the priceless art of simply being. No need to attach any commentary or analysis to where we are on the balance continuum just keep tinkering and relaxing into each moment. After all we all want to be happy and peaceful and letting yourself off the hook is a lovely way to move towards being centred, grounded and calm.

# Ego says once everything falls into place I will find balance; spirit says be peace and everything will fall into place.
 Side plank photo by Marc Perri

The art of reflection

2015 will be my fifth year of teaching and running a small yoga business. I have learnt a lot about how to manage factors that create stress in my life, how to ensure that I have enough sparkle energy for me, my partner and family and to spend much loved time outdoors. Getting enough sleep is crucial, for example, I changed a late night class to earlier so I could unwind before bed and yes I do like to go to be early. Eating well lots of fresh vegetables and food but not overloading and 2014 was they year I let go of coffee yeah sure I have the occasional one and boy when I did have one I got a lot done in a rather maniac way - quite strange. Stick with the herbal tea or if that craving really hits Decaf.

Quiet time whether that is simply switching off the computer, TV, music and sitting in silence observing thoughts, feelings, surround sounds or even finally committing to that formal meditation practice you have been promising yourself.

#Simplify less is the new more. Simplify as much as possible.
Zen saying

My Mala beads. Photo by Margot Porter
I do think however, one key change I made this year was reducing time spent on email and social media. In fact, having days and even weeks off made a huge difference to the way I felt and behaved. Now I understand for many of us this is not possible and I know that sinking feeling of coming in on a Monday morning and having to sift through 50 or more emails but you can choose to switch off your phone, disconnect from social media in your personal time and actually be present with the person you are with or the activity you are doing.

# Give the present of presence to your life and those in it.

This year after teaching at my  Spring Yoga Retreat instead of walking away feeling relaxed and rested I was tired and drained. Despite all the positive feedback and comments "best retreat" from a return student I felt disappointed with myself and as I reflected and decided that all the hard work organising and then teaching across a whole weekend was not working for me and this would need to change in the coming year to keep me in balance.

Recognise your stress points as there are many things in your control to bring you back to your optimal self.

 Drain, drain, drain
spending too much time working 
or thinking about work
 computer time
social media
expectations of others
too much socialising 
bad food
alcohol and coffee 

Find your balance. 
Do more of those things that make you glow and let go of habits or activities that drain your energy! 

Om shanti, shanti, shanti,
Margot XXOO

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

2015 workshops start on Feb 14th

Welcome to 2015 workshops and intensives!

  The year of embracing you! 
Let's begin with a strong stamina building heart opening flow!

Yippee. Yay. Hooray. 
Book now or roll up on the day!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Yoga: 5 things I learnt from yoga last year

5 things I learnt from yoga last year

1.     I am strong
In fact, stronger than I thought I was. Over the year, I have spent hours, 
day after day doing yoga especially when we were in Bali I did intense amounts of 
yoga at the Yoga Barn. I have spent days working really hard working in our vegetable 
garden trying to grow all our own fruit and vegetables. Surprise! My body did not 
let me down, she grew stronger sure I had some uncomfortable moments with 
chronic illness – everyone suffers in some way or another whether that is physical, 
mental or emotional - yet despite that my body and mind was resilient and wanted more…
you don’t know what you are capable off until you try! Shakti surfer surf on!

Be fierce like a warrior!

2.     Listen more. Talk less.
Really listen to the story a person is telling you. Switch off that part of your brain 
that is formulating an answer or a question and just listen. Give the present of presence 
to each and very person you interact with and you will soon see we are all in this 
together. Take this further and give yourself permission to trust the non-verbal 
part of your brain. If you listen you can hear what to do next and where to go.
 Listen. Listen to the part of you connected to the non-verbal part of your brain: 
your body. Your yoga mat is great place to do this. 

Notice all that is awesome about each person you interact with.

3.     Yoga is a community
We are all in this together and isn’t that great. It may appear to you that you have 
nothing in common with the person on the mat next to you but we all share a common
 desire – to put it bluntly we all want to be happy, peaceful and relaxed. I enjoy 
observing people chatting to one another before and after class, maybe they
 know each other or maybe they have just met. Yoga is a collective we are all here 
doing something to transform ourselves. My face-to-face conversations, emails, 
Facebook comments and the beautiful cards I receive – thanks – all are evidence of 
the kindness that flows both ways between people in our East Gippsland yoga community.
Spend time with positive and like minded people.

4.     Write your own story
Often without even realising it, I weave a story about myself in the way I think what, 
I say and how I choose to behave. You know the dialogue – I am not good enough, 
I will never do that, I am sick, not ready, nor worthy, smart/beautiful (insert your own)
 enough. Life is too short: recognize it s going on and change it. You can overlay 
latent impressions with new, groovy and positive ones. Let go of the past. 
Stop imaging the future. Get on with being now and here not no where.
Rewrite. Follow your dreams.

Life's too short....dream big and do it with love.

5.     Sadhana: practice
Enjoy your practice. Try to do some everyday: walk, dance, do yoga, meditate, 
draw, cook, garden, knit, make chicken houses, play with your children and 
grandchildren, laugh and be present.

May your light shine. Sparkle on.
Margot XX

Sunday, 4 January 2015

New year rolling in

Namaste wonderful yoginis and yogis,

I hope you had or are still having a relaxing and fun filled break as the New Year rolls into action.
I am sure you have all been practising away on your mats and will be looking forward to the energy of a class. And if you really have had a break from everything then get set for some fun and a little bit of hard work to tone up that Christmas belly.

I have been playing around on my mat and will be introducing some new poses we haven't tried before and different takes on some classics. The classes will include a healthy dose of core work, upper body strength, twists, balances and hip openers. Hooray!

You may have noticed over the last year or two I have been including more 'vinyasa' or linked poses (sequences) into my classes and I guess I need to realign (pun intended bad as it is) my description of what to expect in class.

At this point on my journey I would say I teach a vinyasa style class infused with Hatha Yoga principles. In a vinyasa class a sequence of poses is joined with a vinyasa e.g. down dog, plank, push up, floor backbend and then back to dog and I will offer variations  to suit all levels (with a handout) and of course you can choose to skip the vinyasa at any point. This style of yoga is very strengthening, energising and relaxing to mind, body and spirit.

So many choices...everyone choosing something appropriate for them in a back bend workshop.

While I have put levels on the timetable to guide you rest assured that all classes can be made suitable for any level so if the only class you can attend says level 1/2 and you are concerned it may be too difficult do not be as in a vinyasa you can choose whether or not you do the vinyasa. And with other poses I always options. 

I also enjoy and will continue weaving in some of the philosophical aspects behind  yoga e.g. the eight limbs, koshas,  kleshas, cakras and maybe the gunas (wow doesn't that sound like a lot of strange to spice up and inspire practice. That's right a year of other yoga stuff. And more to write about on my blog...oh sparkle, sparkle, sparkle.

The Wednesday class is a Yin yoga class and is an excellent way to work with long held tension in the body as well as practising mindfulness or embodied stillness. This class would suit those who like a quieter, slower class with more emphasis on stretching and lengthening rather than building strength. This class would work well for those of you who have tenderness in shoulders, wrists and knees as there is no vinyasa and limited weigth bearing postures. This class only runs for 7 weeks as there is no class on the fourth Wednesday. If you would like to do two classes sign up for the term and only pay $10 for your second class. Talk to me if you are if one of the classes is in Bruthen as that term has two less classes and I can work out a better price.

Across the year I will be offering workshops in Bairnsdale and Mossiface to explore different aspects of yoga practice e.g. heart opening, back bends, arm balances, inversions, restorative, yin etc.

Sparkle on,

Margot XXOO