Wednesday 13 March 2013

Sixth Chakra: Ajna

My Buddha from Wuhan from when we lived in China in 2006.

The sixth Cakra, Ajna means 'to know'.  It is located at the eyebrow centre and is often called the third eye. Interestingly, it is where the left and right optical nerves cross in the brain. Ajna controls/commands all the elements: earth, water, fire, air and space rather like the conductor of an orchestra ensuring the music played is harmonious and delightful. Insight, intelligence and clarity are the hallmarks of of the sixth cakra, Ajna, being open. Unlike the base or materail cakras that can be closed, open, weak or strong, Ajna is either open or shut. In terms of yoga poses, it is suggested  that an opportunity to open Ajna is available in every pose when the chin and hairline are neutral. A natural progression off the mat would be to think this would be so inteh way we carry ourselves throughout the day whether walking, sitting or sleeping.

The colour associated with Ajna is violet and the mantra is KE -SHAM or in some yoga traditions OM. The yantra is an violet eyelike oval emitting five beams of light. The gland it is connects with is the pituitary. 


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