Friday 22 March 2013

Seventh Chakra: Sahasara

Sahasara is the seventh cakra and literally means 'thousandfold'. This cakra is often shown as a thousand-petaled lotus flower in full blossom on the crown of the head. The petals are connected to the petals of the lower cakras multiplied by twenty. The number of the lower cakra petals are as follows: Muladahara - four, Svadishthana - six, Manipura - ten, Anahata - twelve, Vishuddha - sixteen and Ajna - 2. Each petal represents are nadi through which the prana  from the universe is drawn into nourish the body. According to ancient yogis the lotus depicts a number beyond counting: the infinite and indeed the crown cakra is seen as beyond the elements. The colour assoicated with sahasara is white and its mantra is OM. In terms of the endocrine system , it is associated with the pineal gland.

The purpose of yoga is move energy (prana) and information (citta) around the body. The intention is to allow the practitioner to clear the mind of its fluctuations or bring stillness (or in Hatha yoga stilling the fluctuations of the breath). The first step toward clearing the mind for many is the practice of physical postures (asanas) to bring harmony and release karmic patterns (samskars) that are locked in the body often manifest as tension, pain or inflammation.

An essential and the final pose(and many people's favourite pose) of an asana practice is savasana. Here the body digests and integrates the benefits of the practice. It is here in savasana lying on the floor that we let go and relax the body. When we relax each part of the bod,  the electrical impulses from this part of the body cease to firing to the mind and the mind becomes still.  This is something yogis have known for thousands of years and matches with what is scientifically illustrated by the weird little figure of Homunculus man.

Homunculus man...

This cute little fellow shows the distribution of various sensory or motor regions of the body. The little person has big feet, enormous hands, huge lips and tongue yet a small torso and legs.
In savasana yoga focuses on relaxing the areas that are laden with receptors to allow the brain to relax so you can experience complete surrender.

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