Monday 4 March 2013

Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha

Photo by me


This week we are exploring the fifth cakra Vishuddha.'Vi' can be translated as very deep even extreme and 'shuddha' as purification thus could be interpreted as a centre of deep purification Appreciate here, that Sanskrit is a flexible language and words often have more than one meaning. The throat cakra is associated with the element space, its colour is blue, its mantra is HAM and its yantra is a smoky grey upward-pointing egg in a white circle. The fifth cakra is located in the throat at the jugular notch and hence maps onto the thyroid gland ( Finger, A., 2005).

The throat cakra relates to speech, hearing, communication  and self-expression.  A healthy throat cakra, of course ensures you are able to express yourself and your ideas peacefully and can listen  to others with ease. When your throat cakra is in balance it purifies all chakras. This chakra is associated with listening to one's intuition and being guided whereby it seems that the Universe is providing all your needs with no effort. It's a state of Grace. Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe.

Weakness or blockage in this cakra may manifest as an inability in to express yourself and you can feel threatened by other people's opinions. It can also mean confusion in following your path, creative blocks and general problems with communicating with others. I don't know about you but upon reflection I can recall scenarios of communication going awry or feeling as if I haven't expressed what I need clearly, perhaps, also this cakra plays out in an inability to say 'no' to one more activity.
Yoga poses that can assist in opening or balancing your throat chakra are cobra, plow, camel, shoulderstand and fish pose.

Finger, A., Chakra Yoga: Balancing energy for physical, spiritual and mental well-being, Shambhala Press, London, 2005.

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