Tuesday 1 July 2014

Meditation on spaciousness

Meditation on Spaciousness 

In my last post, I mentioned making mandalas in the morning as part of my meditation. I realise that most people do not have the time - the luxury - to do something this elaborate so I thought I would share a meditation from book a friend lent me years ago (yes I did give it back eventually but really should get my own copy). I copied out several practices into my meditation journal... I do like to keep journals as they seem to serve many purposes: they are space to write, observe, reflect and undo; they are also often a celebration of progress, stagnation and stillness; they are a witness to what is at the moment of writing.

  I love to practice this meditation and some of the others available in Sally Kempton's book 

 Meditation For The Love Of It.

Space...photo by Margot

"Sit in a comfortable, upright posture, close your eyes, and gently merge your attention with the flow of breath coming in and going out through your nostrils. Keep returning attention to the breath each time it wanders away. Do this until you feel the breath gently slow down and the thoughts become quieter. 
Imagine that your body is completely empty. It is as though your skin is a thin membrane, like the skin of a balloon, and inside it is nothing but space. Not only is your body full of space, but space also surrounds you on every side. As you inhale, have the feeling that you are breathing space in through the pores of your body. Exhale with the same feeling. Your skin is a delicate, porous membrane, and you are breathing through it.
You are in an ocean of space. With each breath, gently let go into the ocean."


Om shanti,


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