Monday 26 May 2014

Home retreat - Relax and unwind (Part 1)

Home Retreat: Part 1 preparation
Recently I was invited to teach a restorative yoga class for a private at home retreat. A student of yoga was very keen to share all the techniques in yoga and meditation she had learned with her friends who she knew were curious though a little reluctant to go to a yoga class or retreat. She decide to put on a private retreat at her home. What a fabulous idea! 

Take the time to get up close with yourself: get comfortable in your own skin.

So you really need a break, a little get away to recharge but you just don't think it can happen - not enough money, time or too many commitments well don't despair with some planning and gathering of some resources you could have one at home just like my friend did. Now you may still be thinking you don't have enough time but may I suggest it could be an afternoon, a whole day, or if you really can manage the time a whole weekend.

 Clear your timetable: Clear the calendar ahhhh if that makes you feel really uneasy to see a blank non-busy spot then make an appointment with yourself. Let your family and friends know what you are doing and also let them know you are not to be disturbed.

Make a plan: Sketch out a timetable for your home retreat (I will have a suggested timetable for one day in my next post).  

Gather your equipment: Get your mat, cushions, books, DVD's, notebook, food and beverages together and ready to go. If you are interested in a foam roller massage get yourself a foam roll as I will post some links to show you how to it. If you are going to have spa treatment then make sure you have what you need.

 A bolster (made by me) a block and strap. Remember all your really need is a mat as you can use cushions, blankets and books to improvise props.
Cleanse: Plan ahead and ensure you have organic, fresh vegetables and fruit available to eat. Stay away from anything too heavy like meat, diary or fried foods. Think light and easy to digest. Prepare light soups ahead of time. Also avoid stimulants such as tea (black or green), coffee, alcohol, sugar and processed foods (only for a know you can do it)

 Fruit from our garden

Hydrate: Keep hydrated across the day by drinking pure water or herbal teas. There are many different combinations of herbal tea or you can keep it pure - try peppermint or licorice for digestion, chamomile or lemon balm to relax, rooibos filled with antioxidants.

Fill the fridge with vegetables for juicing. Try a couple of sticks of celery, a carrot or two, cucumber, a small piece of ginger, a green apple and some beetroot.
 Fresh juice (photo by me)
Early to bed: Go to bed at least by ten (earlier if possible). Unwind before hand with a relaxing bath throw in a cup of epsom salts, 1/2 cup of baking soda and a few drops of your favorite aromatherapy oil: neroli, lavender, bergamot, citrus. 

Put your legs up the wall in viparita karani place an eye pillow on your eyes ( a folded hand towel works well) and rest for 15-20 minutes before bed.

You can also rest your arms by the side of the body or rest on the belly.
Image from

Water, herbal teas
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Massage oil (almond oil works well)
Essential oils
Foam roller (if you are interested in a home massage)
Yoga mat
Yoga and meditation DVD or bookmark a practice online or book a class
 Books or audio material
Art material: journal or notebook, pencils or whatever you use to make art with

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